Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gadgets add complexity to brutal bank layoffs

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/gadgets-add-complexity-brutal-bank-layoffs-120302170--finance.html

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Quasar may be embedded in unusually dusty galaxy

ScienceDaily (Oct. 23, 2012) ? Hubble astronomers have looked at one of the most distant and brightest quasars in the universe and are surprised by what they did not see: the underlying host galaxy of stars feeding the quasar. The best explanation is that the galaxy is shrouded in so much dust that the stars are completely hidden everywhere. Astronomers believe that the James Webb Space Telescope will reveal the galaxy.

All but the very first galaxies contain some dust -- the early universe was dust-free until the first generation of stars started making dust through nuclear fusion. As these stars aged and burned out, they filled interstellar space with this dust as they lost their atmospheres. The quasar dates back to an early time in the universe's history -- less than one billion years after the big bang -- but was known to contain large amounts of dust from previous sub-millimeter observations. What surprised the researchers is how completely the dust is shrouding starlight within the galaxy -- none of the starlight seems to be leaking out from around the quasar.

Quasars (short for quasi-stellar object) are the brilliant cores of galaxies where infalling material fuels a super-massive black hole. The black hole is so engorged that some of the energy escapes as powerful blasts of radiation from the surrounding disk of accreting material. This light can appear as a jet-like feature. If the beam shines in Earth's direction the "accretion disk" and jet surrounding the super-massive black hole can appear as a quasar that can outshine its surrounding galaxy a hundred or a thousand times.

The team speculates that the black hole is devouring the equivalent mass of a few suns per year. It may have been eating at a more voracious rate earlier to bulk up to an estimated mass of three billion solar masses in just a few hundred million years.

"If you want to hide the stars with dust, you need to make lots of short-lived massive stars earlier on that lose their mass at the end of their lifetime. You need to do this very quickly, so supernovae and other stellar mass-loss channels can fill the environment with dust very quickly," said Rogier Windhorst of Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe, Ariz. "You also have to be forming them throughout the galaxy to spread the dust throughout the galaxy," added Matt Mechtley, also of ASU.

The quasar was first identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Only a handful of these very distant ultra-luminous quasars were found by the SDSS in about one quarter of the whole sky. Follow-up observations at sub-millimeter wavelengths detected significant dust within the galaxy, but did not show how and where dust was distributed, and if or where star-clusters might be visible through the dust. Most nearby galaxies -- even if rather dusty -- still have some regions where stars or star-clusters poke through the dust.

Hubble was used to very carefully subtract light from the quasar image and look for the glow of surrounding stars. The team accomplished this by looking at the glow of a reference star in the sky near the quasar and using it as a template to remove the quasar light from the image. Once the quasar was removed, no significant underlying starlight was detected. The underlying galaxy's stars could have been easily detected, had they been present and relatively unobscured by dust in at least some locations.

"It is remarkable that Hubble didn't find any of the underlying galaxy," said Windhorst. "The underlying galaxy is everywhere much fainter than expected, and therefore must be in a very dusty environment throughout. It's one of the most rip-roaring forest fires in the universe. It's creating so much smoke that you're not seeing any starlight, anywhere. The forest fire is complete, not a tree is spared."

"Because we don't see the stars, we can rule out that the galaxy that hosts this quasar is a normal galaxy," said Mechtley. "It's among the dustiest galaxies in the universe, and the dust is so widely distributed that not even a single clump of stars is peeking through. We're very close to a plausible detection, in the sense that if we had gone a factor of two deeper we might have detected some light from its young stars, even in such a dusty galaxy."

This result was published in the Sept. 10 issue of the Astrophysical Journal Letters in a paper by M. Mechtley, R. Windhorst, and an international team of collaborators.

NASA's planned James Webb Space Telescope will pursue this object. "The Webb telescope is designed to make a definitive detection of this," said Windhorst. We will get solid detections of the stars with Webb's better sensitivity to longer wavelengths of light, which will better probe the dusty regions in these young galaxies.

The Webb telescope will also have the infrared sensitivity to peer all the way back to 200 million years after the big bang. If galaxies started forming stars at this early epoch, Webb is designed and being built to detect them.

The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and the European Space Agency. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., manages the telescope. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Md., conducts Hubble science operations and is the science and mission operations center for the James Webb Space Telescope. STScI is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., in Washington, D.C.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. M. Mechtley, R. A. Windhorst, R. E. Ryan, G. Schneider, S. H. Cohen, R. A. Jansen, X. Fan, N. P. Hathi, W. C. Keel, A. M. Koekemoer, H. R?ttgering, E. Scannapieco, D. P. Schneider, M. A. Strauss, H. J. Yan. Near-Infrared Imaging of a z = 6.42 Quasar Host Galaxy With Thehubble Space Telescopewide Field Camera. The Astrophysical Journal, 2012; 756 (2): L38 DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/756/2/L38

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/space_time/astronomy/~3/kQoQjBka6xA/121023124528.htm

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Smaller iPad expected Tuesday, but at what price?

NEW YORK (AP) ? The price tag remains a big question mark as Apple prepares Tuesday to unveil what is expected to be a smaller iPad.

In the case of the "iPad Mini" (the real name is not known), tech bloggers and analysts expect a device with a screen measuring 7.85 inches on the diagonal, making it about half the size of the regular iPad. It would be slightly larger than the 7-inch tablets it's presumably designed to compete with, including Amazon.com Inc.'s Kindle Fire and Google Inc.'s Nexus 7.

Apple Inc. is expected to unveil the new device during a presentation in San Jose, Calif., starting at 10 a.m. PDT (1 p.m. EDT).

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2012-10-23-Apple-Mini%20iPad/id-82a552c833f3414d8bbeb95c9ada57d0

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Monday, October 22, 2012

A Hands on Approach to Ministering to Seniors :: New Hope Digital

The following is condensed from an article by Joyce Mitchell. Now retired, Joyce served as the staff Leadership Development Team team leader for WMU, a one-million member nonprofit organization. She is a graduate of Wayne State University and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She remains busy in her retirement, writing, traveling and volunteering.

In 2000, approximately 605 million people in the world were 60 or older. By 2050, that number is expected to be close to 2 billion. At that time, seniors will outnumber children 14 and under for the first time in history.[1]

The information below is designed to guide your launch of a ministry that connects with seniors.

Who are seniors?

Who seniors have been all their lives and how they have dealt with problems before old age will largely determine what they are like after they reach old age. Seniors face a laundry list of ?adjustments? as they mature, which may include:

  • Children who grow up and leave home
  • Death of spouse
  • Job relinquished to retirement
  • Severed ties with friends due to death or geographical distance
  • Loss of status
  • Perception of others that they are weak and inferior
  • Decrease in alertness or ability to remember
  • Physical disabilities
  • Chronic brain syndrome and/or Alzheimer?s
  • Depression
  • Need for institutional care

Obviously, these serious issues will stimulate questions such as: How can we help seniors maintain an appropriate level of independence? How can we bring comfort and relief to these men and women? How can we share the good news of Jesus Christ with them, whether in health or sickness?

Of course, there have been significant paradigm shifts in how senior adults are viewed within the church.[2] Once, church leaders might have felt the need to focus solely on ministry to senior adults. Today, seniors are known to be significant contributors in ministry to others as well. Who better to lead a ministry to seniors than seniors?

Those who are most successful in working with seniors are often characterized by

  • An ability to allow seniors as much independence as possible
  • Possessing an optimistic outlook on life
  • The ability to listen to what the senior is saying and what the senior means
  • The ability to see the positive aspects of aging
  • Possessing a degree of comfort in discussing death
  • Having time to give on a regular basis

What needs exist in our community?

Community agencies are often the most knowledgeable about seniors. Consider contacting:

  • Public welfare department
  • Public health department
  • Local hospitals
  • United Way
  • American Red Cross
  • Social Security Administration
  • County agencies on Aging
  • State department of Senior services


  1. What services does your agency offer?
  2. Who is eligible for these services?
  3. What needs do you see that are not being met in the community?
  4. Do you use volunteers?
  5. Are there services that you could offer if there were volunteers available?

Also, consider a field trip to a nearby nursing home, observing the activities there and perhaps having a meal with the patients. If there is a day-care center in your community, spend the day there observing and talking with the members. Visit a seniors? activity meeting sponsored by the recreation department.

Contact other church groups in your community to discover what they are doing for and with senior adults.

A survey of your own church will identify retired persons who might be included in planning for ministering to and with seniors. Tap into skills that they have that might be resources in meeting needs of other senior adults.

Finally, do not overlook informal contacts such as neighbors and elderly members of their families as you seek to discover senior adults and learn about their needs.

What does a plan include?

The scale of your plan should reflect the number of volunteers on your team as well as the resources at your disposal. Plans generally fall into one of several categories:

Person-to-person activities such as visitation are among the most important, least expensive and hardest-to-get services for seniors. Friendly visitors alleviate loneliness and provide meaningful contact in the lives of senior adults. Consider other activities such as

  • ?adopting? an individual or a couple,
  • reading aloud to a senior,
  • shopping or running errands,
  • writing letters,
  • providing transportation,
  • being a telephone companion.

Each of these is an expression of caring and Christ?s love.

Nursing home ministries are best conducted in close cooperation with whomever is in charge at the facility. Consider

  • onsite Bible study or weekly worship experiences,
  • book mobile services,
  • sing-alongs,
  • special occasion parties,
  • providing and playing board games, puzzles or cards.

Often the nursing home staff will have suggestions for activities that are popular with the residents.

Ongoing activitiesare characterized by the need for cooperation of a group of people.

Typical ministries might include

  • barber and beauty services for the homebound,
  • handyman referral service,
  • onsite Bible classes and small prayer groups,
  • homemaker service.

Group activities may occur in small groups, and have the potential for expansion to large group programs. Consider making recreation the focus of the small group.

  • Camps and retreat programs,
  • Clubs for seniors are of great interest. The club purpose can range from social to informational to demonstrations to trips to nearby points of interest, etc.

Senior Day Care consists of offering a program of activities that meet the needs and desires of senior adults. Such a ministry involves

  • Securing space at a church or recreation center for one day each week,
  • Enlisting volunteers with special skills to teach those skills.

Counseling senior adults demands availability rather than professional counseling credentials. Valuable to this ministry are

  • Familiarity with agencies that can give specific information,
  • Willingness to listen and care.

Ongoing Learning

Ministry with seniors is enhanced as those involved grow in their understanding of and commitment to the audience. Following are a few suggested subjects for training.

Psychological Aspects of Senior Adults

  • Knutson, Lois D. Understanding the Senior Adult: A Tool for Wholistic Ministry. Baltimore, MD: The Alban Institute, 1999.
  • Morgan, Richard L. (ed.) Dimensions of Older Adult Ministry: A Handbook.? Louisville: Witherspoon Press, 2006.

Community Services for Seniors

  • Invite various speakers from the community based on topic/expertise (such as public assistance for aging, Social Security, Medicare, making a will, adult education for seniors, etc.)

Understanding Social Security and Medicare

  • Invite an employee from Social Security office or a public welfare worker who works with the elderly to present information and convene a discussion.

Involving Seniors in the Total Community

  • Invite a public health nurse, recreation leader, social worker, several seniors from the community, an employment service representative, etc. as outside experts.

Visiting Nursing Home residents

  • Invite an administrator, nurse or social worker from a nursing home to provide information about nursing home culture and needs. Also a family member of a nursing home resident could be a resource person.


Counseling Senior Adults

  • Invite a pastor, social worker who works with the aging, or public health nurse who has special interest in the elderly to address this topic.

[2] From Catch the Wave: A Handbook for Effective Ministry with Senior Adults by Charles Arn and Win Arn, Beacon Hill Press, 1999.

Source: http://www.newhopedigital.com/index.php/2012/10/a-hands-on-approach-to-ministering-to-seniors/

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Understanding The Signs Of Stress For Proper Stress Management

It is always very important to follow a healthy way of life so that you do not face problems in life. A stress free life can really be beautiful. Lots of people every year suffer from stress and anxiety at different points of time and due to a number of reasons.

What Is Stress?

People fail to understand that stress and anxiety can actually lower the quality of life they lead. It is therefore very important for each and every person to learn stress management methods. You can easily practice some stress relieving methods to stay healthy.

It is very important to improve your lifestyle so that you can start working on stress management. But before that you need to learn about the signs of stress. You should understand that you are stressed when you start getting angry at the drop of the hat.

Perceiving Stress and Anxiety

At times you seem to be angry at things that are quite trivial. You even tend to get too angry when things do not go the right way. There are signs of stress as well. When you focus and think more about your problems than anything else then you surely seem to be stressed out.

You might spend all your energy and enthusiasm in thinking about the problem you have. But thinking about the problem will increase your stress level. The third sign of stress is unable to concentrate on your work.

The Key Identifiers

You might be thinking of other things while doing your work. You might be thinking about the way you react, how you feel, your problems and much more which is not more important than your work. This can lead to low productivity on your part.

If you are going through these three problem then you need immediate help and look for the right kind of stress relievers. The first thing that you need to do is bring changes in your diet. You should always have a healthy and balanced diet.

Diet Plays Significant Role

Your diet should include the right combination of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber. The right food will surely help you in changing your mood. You also need to check the intake of coffee. Coffee includes caffeine which might create problems with sleep. Hence restrict your caffeine intake as much as possible.

Check Your Sleep Cycle

Lots of people suffer from sleeping inefficiencies. It is very important to get a sound sleep that you get ready to start a fresh day every morning. To free your mind from stress and tension you can play a soft music or read light books before going to sleep.

These surely act as stress relievers and help you sleep tight. To perform proper stress management you must always stay away from achieving unattainable goals. Set small goals that can be easily reached and this way you can have peace in your mind.

Make sure you do not suppress your problems and fears inside you. Talk to a person your trust. It can either be a family member or a friend. This will help you feel lighter.

About the Author:
Learn about the various signs of stress and discover how the magical power of meditation can help you to overcome all your stress experiences and give you the best experience of stress management. Download this 9-minute Meditation Course absolutely FREE.

Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Understanding-The-Signs-Of-Stress-For-Proper-Stress-Management/4225031

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Foreign policy could move needle in final presidential debate (CNN)

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday Afternoon Jam: Daryl Hall With Butch Walker, 'Bodegas and Blood' (Little green footballs)

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Sabathia to have elbow checked by Andrews

Associated Press Sports

updated 6:53 p.m. ET Oct. 20, 2012

NEW YORK (AP) - Yankees ace CC Sabathia will have his pitching elbow examined by Dr. James Andrews following inflammation that landed him on the disabled list in August.

An MRI showed a bone spur in the left elbow and the Yankees believe it has existed since he pitched for the Cleveland Indians from 2001-08.

"Yeah, you have to be concerned, because like I've said, I've never had any problems with the elbow before," Sabathia said outside Yankee Stadium on Saturday, according to the New York Daily News. "We have to wait and see ... It's something that I've not felt before, never had, so it's best to go get it checked out and go from there."

Also Saturday, Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter had surgery to repair a broken left ankle. Dr. Robert Anderson operated in Charlotte, N.C., and the Yankees said complete recovery for their 38-year-old captain is expected to take four-to-five months.

Jeter was injured last Saturday in the 12th inning of Game 1 of the AL championship series against Detroit while trying to field a grounder. The Tigers went on to sweep the Yankees.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Giants, Cards prepare for Game 6

HBT: St. Louis, with Chris Carpenter on the mound, hopes to close out the NLCS on Sunday when the series moves to S.F. Ryan Vogelsong will get the start for the Giants.

Getty Images

Source: http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/45111483/ns/sports-baseball/

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Why Small Businesses Hate Google+ Local [Comicgraphic]

Lengths small businesses go to for Google reviewsThe latest Google and Your Business Forum Wrap-up and the Skype roar of frustration about missing Google reviews earlier this week brought to mind this fab comicgraphic from Nifty Marketing.

Business owners who have jumped through the hurdles and hoops trying to get reviews only to have them disappear will know just how close to the truth this comicgraphic is!

?Here?s the Google+ Local Review Comicgraphic, shamelessly borrowed from the Nifty Marketing blog.? Why Small Businesses Hate Google+ Local

  • Don?t try to game the system by buying reviews
  • Don?t use a review service to enter reviews from surveys and review cards
  • Don?t use on-site review stations
  • Don?t encourage people to create a Google Plus account just to leave you a review
  • Space out reviews.? Reviews in waves can trigger the spam filter
  • Encourage Google+ Local reviews through a mobile device
  • If your customer doesn?t have a Google Plus account, ask for reviews other third-party sites such as Freeindex, Qype, Yelp and others

Does the comicgraphic reflect your experiences with Google+ Local reviews?? I?d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Enjoy this Post? Please Share:

Source: http://www.mylocalbusinessonline.co.uk/small-businesses-hate-google-local-comicgraphic/

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Video: Unemployed Around the Country

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Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/cnbc/49477755/

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Parks and rec adds wrestling clinic, updates other events | The ...

Don?t forget October 31, 2012 is the last day for Basketball registration for Ages 9 and up. Sign up online at www.botetourt.org/recreation or give us a call at (540) 473-8326.

November 3, 2012 Basketball Camp from 9am to 11am, Ages 6 to 16, Charge: $15.00. Location of Camp: Lord Botetourt high School. Register online or at the Camp. Prince includes T-Shirt and Two Hours of instruction.

Hey kids, want to learn how to wrestle??? Wrestling Clinic at James River will be held on December 1, 2012 from 9am to 12:00 Noon, at James River High School, coaches from LBHS, RMMS and North Cross will be holding a clinic for the Novice to the Expert level wrestler. All children, Ages 5 to 13, are invited to participate. Kids will have the opportunity to wrestle in live matches as well. Cost is $15.00.

October 26, 2012 Painting by Rheta Craft- Bob Ross Style, from 9am to 2pm at the Fincastle Library. Prince: $55.00 and a painting to take home. Call Rheta at (540) 793-1665.

The 2nd Annual Artists? Studio Tour
Come out and view our local artists? creations, visit their studios, and enjoy a day of cultural delight on Saturday, October 27, 2012, from 10am to 5pm, and Sunday, October 28, 2012, from 11AM to 5PM.
For more information, visit www.openstudiosbotetourt.com or call the Tourism Office at (540) 473-8326.

?The Peaks Run ? Century Challenge 2012?
October 27, 2012
A 100 Mile Cycling event from Historic Fincastle to the beautiful Peaks of Otter and throughout scenic Botetourt County
Come and experience a grand ride with breathtaking views of Botetourt County in the Fall. Bikers will depart from Fincastle, Virginia, bike to the famous Peaks of Otter on the Blue Ridge Parkway, and loop back to Fincastle.
Registration Cost: Century/Half Century: $45 ? Early Online Registration; $55 ? On day of event; Mini-Century Run (7 Miles): $20; Mini-Century Family Run: $50
Ride will begin at 7AM at the Fincastle Baaptist Church, 7330 Roanoke Road, Fincastle, VA Cyclist may register on site Saturday morning between 6 AM ? 7AM, however, you are encouraged to register on line at www.hope1611.com or call 966-3345. T-Shirts will be handed out at Registration/Check-In.

Submitted by Botetourt County Parks and Recreation

Source: http://blogs.roanoke.com/botetourtview/2012/10/parks-and-rec-adds-wrestling-clinic-updates-other-events/

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Kim Fortun Q&A: Biopolitics Liveblog 4 - Ecology without Nature

Q: As things become more valuable the production of ignorance becomes more important. Do you see that as something that is happening? Is that idea useful and can you think how to combat it?
A: Language ideology is part of what is at stake. The manner in which evidence is discounted, there is a vacuous semiotic field. When you're trying to sense make, there's nothing to bounce off of for comparative reference.

What the environmental scientists are trying to do is to make the semiotic field denser, e.g by using powerful computation. A theory of meaning that recognizes that truth is not an essence.

Q: Material data sheets. What is disturbing is that there are up to 100 000 new chemicals. Why aren't there toxicity tests.
A: I've studied this for decades and I'm still shocked. Eight substances have been banned so far, like formaldehyde. There are no standards. An effort to modernize the Toxic Substances Control Act--you don't have to test unless you have reason to be concerned, thus creating a loop that enables testing not to be done.

A huge percentage of PhDs in toxicology work in industry.

Q: The lack of standards not just to do with industry, but also to do with the inner logic of chemistry. Narrow causal experiments.
A: The good rodent studies are very slow and expensive. The science has to be aware of its context, say the new toxicologists. Looking for end points that rule out a lot of things.

Q: Discursive gaps where there is no idiom to deal with a thing. Do you see emerging idioms that are transmissible?
A: Some studies have ecological humility and are very reflective about data and history of science. E.g. sessions on banning the word "accuracy"--what new term to use? Reaching for ways to designate rigor. Hegemonic idiom not friendly to the practices they are caught in.

Q: "Late industrialism." Is this term an implicit critique of certain periodizations of capitalism that seem to be more consumer focused?
A: I often think this in parallel with feminist materialism. We are about to have 100 000 hydrofracking wells in upstate New York. The number of toxic sludge ponds... It really is a soiled landscape. How do we acknowledge that?

Most chemical plants are 60 years old and still operating. All new refineries are abroad. And safer. I'm all for stronger regulation but we also need to invent new modes of collectivity.

Q: The problem of uncertainty. The dominant scientific paradigm requires time and massive investments. So in the absence of certainty, what is the effect of some kind of collectivity as a catalyst. Can sharing uncertainty bring us together?
A: I think about this a lot. Scientists on my campus are organizing around the issue of vulnerability. Disaster theory is often spoken of as about unexpected events--we should not be using this term! Especially when you have coupled nested systems. We can say no to vulnerability, which is unevenly distributed. I'm working with the idea that this gives us a place to understand.

Q: How do we transport this into the classroom?
A: Sense of gross misfit is educational. Fear that things can blow up. There are coupled systems. Understanding the tech. My students go out and build things that I work on. Expertise is critically important, yet also it blinds. We can't anticipate challenges. But teaching students to be good methdologically. Think about the way language works, explanation and so on.

Q: Are you familiar with John Downer's work on epistemic accidents? In the late 80s there wasn't an understanding of aluminum fatigue (so the top of the 737 can rip off). A knowledge gap that exists at the moment of inception of the tech.

Q: Delay between what we know and what we should know. Are there ways of rethinking data? Science in the face of catastrophe? The very notion of evidence might be rethought?
A: Does this mean proceeding without an assumption that we need evidence?
Q: Or can evidence take different forms?
A: There is a recognition that heterogenous data types give explanatory power. There is deep interest in qualitative research and interdisciplinarity. We do need to cultivate multiple modes of knowledge

Q: Like in brownfield remediation.

A: There is a sense of "What do we know, and what do we know from this?" There is a questioning about the nature of insight.

Q: One of the issues of biopolitics is how science represses other kinds of response. Grassroots or narrative response. Maybe it's important to think about diminishing the scientific aspect sometimes.
A: One reason is that the industry effort is so concerning is that it's a sweeping effort to discount many forms of knowledge. Nothing counts as good enough to think with. So part of the struggle is what counts as science?

Q: I often think about how we look at our own bodies. Do we think of them as a series of nested systems? We have actually changed our own bodies, so how do we think outside of that? We need to think about what we are individually. We have been taught to deny our internal environment.
A: On the other hand our public health institutions are indeed worried about what is inside us. The exposure scientists refer to "NIH Types" (who start inside).
Q: I speak from experience about farmers who are in denial about being sick, sticking their arms into the toxics.
A: At the year anniversary of Fukushima there was a piece about how nuclear worry is foolish, in Scientific American. Concern as an index of vulnerability. There are many reasons that make it difficult to get our heads around toxics. They are cultural trouble.

Q: Changes in university systems that make knowledge harder to get at. Idea that knowledge will save us.
A: But the dissing of science is really concerning. (cf how Thatcher used Foucault to close mental hospitals!) The cool field of the exposure scientists; their president was the chair of the Chemical Council. Maybe it's old fashioned but this is a conflict of interest. Exxon should not be providing science to second graders.

We have learned in gender and race studies that we rule out things as not appropriate speech. There is also some disciplining that's needed in terms of language and social organization.

Q: The question of agency comes up again and again.
A: We could try to understand toxics with a different language. The "is it safe or not" is too binary. This is not how you make meaning in language. This is where humanities people need to be in the fight.

Q: The farmer point was very interesting. Because it points to the need for a sensitivity to rhetoric. Not everybody wants to complexify their world. How do you acknowledge a desire for a more simple world as you're also complexifying? How do you talk to the farmer?
A: We need thick descriptions. We have had very minimalist descriptions that don't have traction with some kinds of listener. We have missed the governance boat if some pesticides are in the farmer's hands in the first place. We need to invent a way to decide what should be on the market.

In Bhopal and Deepwater crises, what set up the disaster was the absence of law. No governing structure around it. We need to invent ways to decide what should be at the individual level.

Q: Do you have to deal with engineering hubris? The Wall Street crash << elite engineer disdain for traditional knowledge of how to manipulate piles of money. Is there resistance from your students and colleagues?
A: Yes. But there is also (and this also includes natural scientists) a subject effect. It's very humbling to think the environment, so you tend to get nicer ones in my domain. But twelve hours after Fukushima, one wrote an article for the Times that said there was no problem. What evidence licenses assertion?

Q: This leaves us with a cautionary note. Be careful what you ask for. If we have a system for declaring what's toxic; new forms of evidence and agency, etc. We get the Wobblies but we also get the Tea Party. If education really was the be all and end all we would be living very differently.
A: You think we can't do a better job?
Q: The issues are tied up with our lives that have very polar effects, eg we all benefit from mining. Many of us like who we are. The notion of newer types of evidence can lead us into very dangerous aspects.
A: We don't teach our students to deliberate together. Engineering students hate conflict. They don't have the social comportment to work through. I've done some K through 8 education: you CAN get your head around complex issues. There is a real cultural bias against it being hard.

Q: Whatever we accept as fact will not adjudicate. Questions of who and what is going to benefit? Any time you try to subvert that, it's an expression of power. The farmer shouldn't be discounted but seen in a wider context.

Source: http://ecologywithoutnature.blogspot.com/2012/10/kim-fortun-q-biopolitics-liveblog-4.html

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Friday, October 19, 2012

Tweetbot for Mac review

Tweetbot for Mac review

Tweetbot for Mac is here! After a public alpha followed by a public beta, Tweetbot has officially been released in the Mac App Store. Everything you love about Tweetbot for iPhone and iPad including the familiar interface, gestures, and sounds, are now brought to the Mac and the experience is exactly what you'd expect -- wonderful.

The look and feel of Tweetbot for Mac is similar to the iPhone and iPad version of Tweetbot, yet tweeked to be more a appropriate for the Mac. The left hand side has a column of tabs that take to your timeline, mentions, messages, favorites, retweets, mute filters, and more. You can change the size of the window to fit you needs -- from short and skinny to wide and tall. Tweetbot for Mac also lets you open different tabs and views in new columns and windows, including the timelines of multiple accounts, so that you have have many screens available simultaneously, as shown in the screenshot above.

Tweetbot for Mac supports shortcuts and gestures to make the desktop Twitter experience quick, easy, and natural. For example cmd+n will create a new tweet, cmd+r will reply to the selected tweet, a swipe to the right will open conversation view, and swipe to the left will open the tweet detail view. And instead of Tweetbot for iOS' trademark action drawer, if you hover over a tweet, icons that let you reply, retweet, mark as favorite, share, and more overlay on top of it.

When creating a new tweet or replying to an existing tweet, a little window will popup that looks like a speech bubble coming from the new tweet button or the tweet you're replying to. It will move around, staying relative to the main Tweetbot window, unless and until you tear it off an reposition is somewhere else. When replying to a tweet, the popup will also display the conversation associated with that tweet underneath the text entry field. This is a great reference and helps you keep track of the conversation at hand.

There are many adjustments and tweaks that can be made in Tweetbot for Mac's preferences including sounds, font size, display name, date format, quote format, and the option to pin the timeline to the top so that you don't have to scroll to see new tweets -- they just appear as they come in. Tweetbot for Mac also supports multiple accounts and lets you choose URL shortening, image upload, video upload, read-later, and sync (including iCloud) services individually for each one. You can also select if you want notifications for mentions, retweets, favorites, and follows.

Now the price. Tweetbot for Mac is $19.99, which is substantially more than the iPhone or iPad version. Unfortunately, during the Tweetbot for Mac alpha period, Twitter changed their Rules of the Road to greatly restrict the amount of user tokens third party apps could use. That means Tweetbot for Mac will only ever be able to activate a limited number user, which means a limited number of customers. If you have a limited resource and a limited market, prices go up. You can't spread development and support costs, and profit margins out over a huge quantity of users, so each user pays more. Tapbots is pricing according to the market conditions Twitter has created, and they're probably not the last Twitter app maker that's going to have to do that.

Thanks Twitter.

The good

  • Very similar to Tweetbot for iPhone and iPad with the same gestures, sounds, and UI
  • Open multiple columns and windows
  • Notifications for mentions, direct messages, retweets, favorites, and follows
  • Four font sizes
  • Support for bitly, Instapaper, Pinboard, Pocket, and Readability
  • Mute filters
  • Support for multiple accounts
  • Double-tap Message tab to mark them all as read
  • Lists support
  • Search
  • Drafts
  • iCloud sync

The bad

  • Sometimes there is a delay when sending Tweets
  • Can only choose one read-later service

The bottom line

Tweetbot for Mac is the best Twitter app currently available for the Mac. If you're a big fan of Tweetbot for iPhone and iPad and also a Mac user, what are you waiting for? Download Tweetbot for Mac!

$19.99 - Download Now

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/UlrEPg94vZ4/story01.htm

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For Romney and Obama, one-liners are on the menu

President Barack Obama gestures as he speaks at a grassroots event at Cornell College, Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2012., in Mount Vernon, Iowa. (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)

President Barack Obama gestures as he speaks at a grassroots event at Cornell College, Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2012., in Mount Vernon, Iowa. (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks during a campaign event at Ida Lee Park Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2012, in Leesburg, Va. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

WASHINGTON (AP) ? The presidential campaign, which has been a spectacle of finger-pointing and recrimination, is oh so briefly taking a sharp detour so President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney can play politics for laughs.

The rivals are quieting the hostilities Thursday evening to address the venerable Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, a white-tie gala at New York City's Waldorf Astoria Hotel that has been a required stop for politicians since the end of World War II.

In keeping with tradition, both candidates have prepared lighthearted fare for the fundraising event organized by the Catholic Archdiocese of New York for the benefit of needy children. That was the case almost precisely four years ago when Obama and Republican presidential contender John McCain poked fun at themselves and each other just a day after an intense presidential debate at Hofstra University on Long Island.

As in 2008, this year's dinner comes in the wake of a fiery and confrontational presidential debate ? again at Hofstra ? lending an air of drama to the pivot from acrimony to humor.

What's more, the dinner's host is Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, the spiritual leader of the Archdiocese of New York and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which has clashed with the Obama administration over contraception provisions in the new health care law. Dolan has said he received "stacks of mail" protesting the dinner invitation to Obama. But Dolan has sought to avoid playing political favorites, even delivering benedictions at both the Republican and Democratic national conventions this summer.

The dinner is Romney's only public event Thursday. Obama was campaigning in New Hampshire, one of a handful of closely fought states in the election, before limbering up for his dinner speech with an appearance on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show."

Romney and Obama were traveling to New York, a state firmly on the Obama side of the political ledger, two days after their Hofstra debate and one day after they and their running mates fanned out to battleground states to mount an aggressive appeal for undecided female voters.

Obama campaigned in Iowa and Ohio on Wednesday, wearing a pink wristband to show support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month and mocking Romney's remark during Tuesday night's debate that as Massachusetts governor he received "whole binders full of women" as he sought to diversify his administration. "We don't have to collect a bunch of binders to find qualified, talented women," Obama said.

At Ohio University, Obama beseeched a crowd of about 14,000 students to vote early. "You've got to go back to your dorm, grab that guy who's sitting there eating chips, watching 'SportsCenter,'" he said. "Tell him he's got to vote, too. "

Romney made his own pitch to women, a play for votes that comes as he moderates some of the conservative stands he took while seeking the Republican nomination.

"This president has failed American's women," he told a crowd in Chesapeake, Va. "They've suffered in terms of getting jobs," he added, saying that 3.6 million more of them are in poverty now than when Obama took office.

His campaign also launched a television commercial that seemed designed to soften his opposition to abortion while urging women to keep pocketbook issues uppermost in their minds when they cast their ballots.

Obama's appearance on "The Daily Show" will be his second since becoming president and his sixth overall with host Jon Stewart.

The Al Smith dinner is named for the former four-term governor of New York who was the unsuccessful 1928 Democratic presidential candidate and the first Catholic to run for president. His great-grandson, Alfred W. Smith IV, is the dinner's master of ceremonies. "I obviously didn't know your great-grandfather," Obama deadpanned as he addressed Smith in 2008, "but from everything that Sen. McCain has told me, the two of them had a great time before Prohibition." McCain, then 72 and 25 years older than Obama, cracked up.

The dinner is such a part of the national political fabric that it was featured in a 2005 episode of the television drama "The West Wing."

While the Catholic Church has differences with Obama on abortion, contraception and same-sex marriage, the Conference of Catholic Bishops has also clashed with Republicans, opposing GOP budget plans that cut programs for the poor and criticizing efforts to deny illegal immigrants tax refunds from the $1,000-per-child tax credit.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-10-18-Presidential%20Campaign/id-ac0b0d2c2128494c91bcf71b65d949f7

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Humane Society hatches bid to unseat Iowa lawmaker

FILE - In this Feb. 10, 2011 file photo, Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa speaks in Washington. King has little use for the Humane Society, particularly when it comes to laws designed to give calves, pregnant sows and hens a little more freedom on the farm. The organization?s political arm is devoting most of its campaign budget this year _ nearly $500,000 so far _ to its effort to see that King doesn?t return for a sixth term. King is running against Democrat Christie Vilsack in a district that has become less conservative due to redistricting. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

FILE - In this Feb. 10, 2011 file photo, Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa speaks in Washington. King has little use for the Humane Society, particularly when it comes to laws designed to give calves, pregnant sows and hens a little more freedom on the farm. The organization?s political arm is devoting most of its campaign budget this year _ nearly $500,000 so far _ to its effort to see that King doesn?t return for a sixth term. King is running against Democrat Christie Vilsack in a district that has become less conservative due to redistricting. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Rep. Steve King of Iowa has little use for the Humane Society, particularly when it comes to laws designed to give calves, pregnant sows and hens a little more freedom on the farm.

The organization's political arm is devoting the vast majority of its campaign budget this year ? nearly $500,000 so far ? to ensuring King doesn't return for a sixth term.

The Humane Society of the United States calls its campaign Stop the King of Cruelty. Its ads take King to task for his opposition to bills related to dogfighting and requiring emergency management offices to account for pets and service dogs in their preparedness plans.

"He has made himself the self-appointed leader to oppose animal welfare laws in the House of Representatives," Michael Markarian, president of the Humane Society Legislative Fund, said of the conservative Iowa congressman. "He routinely speaks against animal protection policies and tries to defeat them."

King's campaign says the Humane Society is going after him because he's an effective advocate for the state's farmers.

"The (Humane Society) and their legislative fund has a clear agenda of passing more burdensome government regulations down to America's farmers and Congressman King has been particularly effective in working to get government out of the way and allow the Iowa ag industry to produce," said campaign spokesman Jimmy Centers.

The Humane Society's ads focus on pets but don't address the clashes they've had with King on farming issues. Iowa is by far the largest egg-producing state in the nation, and King's district plays a big role in that distinction. King led the effort this past summer to scuttle efforts that a few states are making to increase the quality and size of cages for hens.

California has been a leader in the effort. The California Legislature approved a bill that extends more expansive cage requirements to all eggs sold in California, regardless of where the eggs are produced. Iowa produces about 30 percent of the eggs purchased in California.

King successfully included in the House farm bill a measure that would bar California and other states from essentially exporting their cage standards to agricultural producers in Iowa. King says that California's law violates the clause in the Constitution that gives Congress the power to regulate commerce among the states.

His amendment will "ensure that radical organizations like the Humane Society of the United States and PETA are prohibited from establishing a patchwork of restrictive state laws aimed at slowly suffocating production agriculture out of existence," King said after the House Agriculture Committee passed it.

King is running against Democrat Christie Vilsack in a newly redrawn district that now includes the college town of Ames. He hasn't faced a tough re-election before but has one on his hands this time, prompting the Humane Society to weigh in.

The Humane Society tried to give Vilsack a $1,000 donation, but the campaign declined the money. It has a policy of not accepting donations from groups that lobby the U.S. Agriculture Department, headed by Vilsack's husband, Tom. He is a former governor of Iowa.

The Humane Society's ads don't touch on the battles they've waged with King on agriculture issues. They're focused primarily on stands King has taken on dogfighting, noting that he voted against a 2007 bill making it a felony to transport animals across state lines for fighting purposes and voted against a 2012 amendment that prohibits bringing a child to organized animal fights.

Centers said King condemns all forms of animal fighting. His problem with the legislation cited by the Humane Society is that dogfighting is already illegal in all 50 states and bringing a child to a dogfight constitutes endangerment.

"How many times do we need to make something illegal if it's illegal?" Centers said. "Why create more and more government bureaucracies and legislation when something is already illegal?"

In its scorecard rating members of Congress based on their voting record and sponsorship of bills, the Humane Society gave King a score of zero for the current Congress. He has a lifetime score of 8 percent.

Meanwhile, King got a seal of approval this year from the Iowa Farm Bureau, which designated him a "friend of agriculture."

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-10-18-Humane%20Society-King%20Feud/id-fe6599819ebf4720b9e89c533fdbea58

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Google Calendar Is Now on the Play Store (But It Might Not Work on Your Phone) [Google]

Finally Google has made its Calendar app available on the Play Store, in the process overhauling the software that comes pre-installed on any phone running stock Android. Sadly, though, it might not work properly on your phone. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/F7U10fSHOB0/google-calendar-is-now-on-the-play-store-but-it-might-not-work-on-your-phone

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UN Syria envoy calls on government to start truce

BEIRUT (AP) ? The international envoy to the Syrian conflict on Wednesday called on President Bashar Assad's regime to take the lead in implementing a cease-fire during a major Muslim holiday later this month.

Lakhdar Brahimi said rebel representatives have assured him they will also observe the truce if the government takes the first step.

"The Syrian people are burying hundreds of people each day, so if they bury fewer people during the days of the holiday, this could be the start of Syria's return from the dangerous situation that it ... is continuing to slip toward," he told reporters in Beirut.

Brahimi's push to get Assad and rebels seeking to topple him to stop fighting for the four-day Eid al-Adha feast set to begin Oct. 26 reflects how little progress international diplomacy has made in stopping 19 months of deadly violence in Syria.

Unlike his predecessor as joint U.N.-Arab League envoy, Kofi Annan, Brahimi has said he has no grand plan to end Syria's civil war. Instead, he presented the truce as a "microscopic" step that would alleviate Syrian sorrow temporarily and provide the basis for a longer truce.

Even a short-term cease-fire faced hurdles. Both sides in the past have verbally signed on to cease-fires only to then blatantly disregard them. And before Brahimi spoke, Syria's government dismissed the plan, saying the rebels lack a unified leadership to sign the truce.

"There is the state, represented by the government and the army on one front, but who is on the other front?" asked an editorial in the Al-Thawra daily.

The scores of rebel units fighting a brutal civil war against the regime have no single leader, and many don't communicate with each other.

Brahimi spoke following meetings with top Lebanese officials as part of a regional tour. He said all countries must work to stop the bloodshed by halting arms shipments so the conflict doesn't spread.

Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are sympathetic to the rebels and are believed to be facilitating their acquisition of weapons or arming them directly. Iran and Russia are Assad's biggest supporters and provide the Syrian military with most of its advanced weapons.

"These countries need to realize, as we heard today in Lebanon, that it is not possible that this crisis will stay inside Syrian border forever," he said. "Either it has to be taken care of or it will spread and spill over and consume everything."

Rebel leaders were not immediately available for comment on the proposed truce.

Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdessi said the government was waiting for Brahimi to come to Damascus to brief officials there on the results of his tour.

The regime would welcome any "constructive initiative," Makdessi said in statement released Wednesday by the state news agency.

It was unclear if Brahimi would travel to Damascus from Beirut.

Activists say more than 33,000 have been killed since Syria's uprising started in March 2011.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutolgu said his country supports a holiday cease-fire but was skeptical that it would lead to a longer truce without an international force to make it "sustainable."

"A cease-fire can be declared but the international community would need to take certain measures for its sustainability," the state-run Anadolu agency quoted him as saying.

Fighting continued Wednesday, with activists reporting clashes in the northern provinces of Idlib and Aleppo as well as outside of the capital, Damascus.

Amateur videos posted online showed what rebels said was a helicopter shot down by rebel fire near the northern town of Maaret al-Numan. Clashes have been raging in the area since rebels took the town last week.

One video shows a white helicopter spiraling as it falls through the sky, leaving a trail of smoke behind before bursting into flame. Rebels on the ground can be heard chanting "God is great!"

An activist in the area who said he saw the explosions said the helicopter was likely hit with anti-aircraft guns rebels have captured from regime forces and sometimes mounted on the backs of trucks.

He said the regime has been bombing villages in the area for more than a week and had destroyed many homes.

"The planes are hitting us as revenge," said the activist, who gave his name as Qais al-Idlibi. "They can't make progress on the ground, so they are hitting us from the air."

He said the remaining civilians sleep outside in their fields for fear of airstrikes, and the shooting boosted their morale.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported the helicopter downing, saying the debris fell in the village of Baseeda.

Activist claims and videos could not be independently verified.

Syria's civil war has displaced more than 1 million Syrians inside the country and sent hundreds of thousands more over the borders to see refuge with Syria's neighbors.

On Wednesday, U.N. humanitarian chief Deborah Amos said more than half of Syria's health facilities have been destroyed or damaged in the war and many children are not getting vaccinated or going to school.

She also expressed concern over those near Syria's borders who have not been allowed to leave the country.


Associated Press writers Suzan Fraser in Ankara, Turkey, Albert Aji in Damascus, Syria, and Angela Charlton in Paris contributed reporting.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/un-syria-envoy-calls-government-start-truce-115348101.html

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Brandon Chicotsky - Founder of BaldLogo.com

Brandon Chicotsky - Founder of BaldLogo.com

Inundate your mind with information. Read everything.

In an article for TexasEnterprise.org, Brandon Chicotsky wrote about his American generation raised with the Internet as ?digital natives.? At age 27, Chicotsky has immersed himself in the online space and managed cash-positive startups. One such startup included a training center that contracted gaming professionals and statisticians to teach their winning methodology at an interactive facility. Clientele included Major League Baseball Cy Young winner and ESPN commentator Orel Hershiser. Chicotsky also specializes in innovative, animate social marketing as seen with BaldLogo.com.

As a digital strategist, Chicotsky offers HTML5 Web design services, company animation video pitches and content writing. Other projects about which he?s passionate are ReaderGhost.com and WriterGhost.com, which offer professional reading summary and writing services.

His professional service offerings also include social media management and digital strategy consulting via GrowSmartMedia.com, an enterprise spawned from graduate school. In May 2012, Chicotsky completed a Masters of Science in Management from New York University, finished #1 in his graduate class and received the Academic Excellency Award from NYU?s Department of Technology Management. He pursued concentrations in entrepreneurial business and technology management. He also earned a Bachelors of Arts in Cultural Anthropology and Government from The University of Texas at Austin and participated in three study abroad programs (Guanajuato, Mexico; Jersualem, Israel and La Milpa, Belize).

In 2007, Chicotsky assembled a portfolio of startups at his alma mater which raised series-A funds. Portfolio members included Ron-Conway-backed Rally.org. While attending NYU, Chicotsky worked with a motivated team to raise series-A funds for a breakthrough iPhone keyboard, ?Spike,? by SoloMatrix Inc. Before building entrepreneurial communities and facilitating investment deal flow, Chicotsky served as President of Austin?s largest political party charter organization and worked for two years in policy advocacy and fundraising with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

In earlier years, Chicotsky co-founded and drummed for four years in acclaimed pop/rock band Green River Ordinance, which toured with Bon Jovi and the Goo Goo Dolls, placed three top 40 hits on the Adult Contemporary Charts, a top 10 hit on the Texas Country Charts and had a video on V1. Chicotsky continues to enjoy the arts and offers an avenue for drummers to teach at DrumsTraining.com.

Equipped with a love for people and trained in public speaking and writing, Chicotsky offers skill sets that span market analysis to digital strategy and marketing. He currently lives in Austin, Texas and is an active member of the sustainable cooperative living community.

What are you working on right now?

Bald Logo. Purchase ad space on a bald head!

Nearly all waking hours outside of exercise, networking and occasional music are spent building new enterprises. One such enterprise includes Bald Logo. Hire a bald promoter to pound the pavement and promote your brand!

Bald Logo is an endeavor that engages in what I?ve termed ?animate social marketing.? This is when a social behavior or advertising antic is out of context to the point where it demands attention. It?s an extremely cost-effective strategy for increasing brand exposure, demographic targeting and amplifying a message online (as many people take pictures and follow hashtags posted on bald heads).

Where did the idea for Bald Logo come from?

While a graduate student at NYU, the time came to retire my brown, wavy hair (family genes kicked in). I was a considerably young person to have a glistening bald head. Nearly everyone with whom I spoke would take a quick gander at the hairless platform above my eyes. It made me wonder, ?This amount of attention constitutes a canvas or a billboard.? Thus, the idea to sell ad space on a bald head was born.

Furthermore, my course curriculum and research demanded constant data gathering. As I became more adept at statistician methods, I realized ?animate social marketing? had little data around it. This meant Bald Logo could gather objective data like the number of people who tweet a hashtag on my head. Such data would offer field-tested results and prove cost effectiveness.

More subjective data, like surveying people who claim to have noticed my head, could also be gathered. This data would help companies qualify to their accounting departments why investing in ?animate social marketing? is more cost-effective than above-the-line, dinosaur advertising.

It turns out 40% of men are balding after age 25, and many of them network aggressively like me. We involve ourselves in environments full of people with strong purchase power. This is an opportunity for a company to capitalize on our social behavior. Also, people like me are trained to promote and sell. We can be dispatched strategically at events and areas with high foot traffic.

As Bald Logo began collecting data from our activities in public, we also began studying open source data like consumer purchase trends and high density foot traffic zones. Naturally, we have focused many of our promotion efforts around these areas to offer strong value to our clients who purchase advertising space on bald heads.

What does your typical day look like?

I live in a dynamic cooperative in Austin, Texas that houses 100 people. We do our own cooking, cleaning and maintenance work. We also all share equity in the property, which creates a joint vested interest. Residents are typically college students or young professionals, all of whom have been voted in by their co-owners (housemates). Housemates celebrate the arts and appreciate innovation. My housemates are my bald allies.

Every day, I wake up as early as my body allows and head down to our industrial-sized kitchen. No matter the time of day, a group of our residents are cooking together and preparing a meal. We greet each other, share updates on the news and the latest community happenings. Then, we indulge in local produce and get fired up for the day.

My next move is to barrel into emails, set my schedule (an ongoing process) and then execute with gusto. Lunch hours are filled with networking sessions defined by business development, sales or entrepreneurial powwows. This is also my favorite time to engage mentors.

The afternoons are chalk full of amplifying my company brands online, servicing clients or managing company logistics (contracts, accounting or other important tasks).

Dinners are my favorite part of the day. My cooperative spends four hours (two shifts involving eight people) to cook wonderfully rich meals served at 6:00 p.m. Nearly all of the housemates gather to enjoy the home festivities as a large, eclectic family.

Afterwards, I may choose to attend an Austin festival gathering (I love gatherings like farmer?s markets, sporting events, outdoor theater, conferences or interactive festivals). Or, I?ll retreat back to my office in the cooperative and chip away at a book draft about ?animate social marketing.?

Late evenings are spent on the phone with my best friend, my brother. We?ll brainstorm ways to improve the business, refine my models and leverage technology to save costs. The final part of my day involves checking my hometown sports team highlights and reading tech blogs. These indulgences may last into the morning, admittedly.

How do you bring ideas to life?

Creative visualization + reference knowledge + cost analysis + engaged mentors + good time management + brute force = ideas coming to life.

My secret weapon: the ability to work effectively with minimal rest. I sleep less than anyone I know, and I enjoy the thrill of long hour grinds. I love working, building and inching closer to success. I?m addicted to the pursuit of happiness, and in turn, it makes me happy, if not outright jovial.

The ability to work for longer stretches than others without sleep is a ?ninja skill? I refined in graduate school. I averaged five or six nights of sleep for each week while immersed in academia.

My entire family sleeps less than most, so it?s likely a hereditary and premeditated ability that I?m exercising. We?re also a family of athletes, so our energy level is sometimes obnoxiously higher than most. Combine high energy levels, the ability to stay up for long hours, thrill in working and passion for building a company, and ideas come to life.

There?s also one more important quality that enables ideas to move out of the gate for me: passion. I discuss, talk, share and express my business ideas and latest progress every day to whoever is willing to listen (as long as it doesn?t hinder growth, incriminate, implicate or infringe).

Living and working passionately has attracted a strong cadre of believers, ready supporters and enablers. As long as there are passionate early adopters and influencers, the likelihood for business growth increases.

What?s one trend that really excites you?

Collaborative consumption. The market is becoming more social, engaged and interdependent, especially online. We are leveraging our collective resources to work more responsibility. We?re utilizing technology to make life more intuitive. Also, we?re still respecting the profit-driven model that has made America successful.

We continue to value time and resources, but we?re doing so with a conscience and renewed efficiency. Collaborative consumption, as Rachel Botsman has detailed in her many writings, is smart business. In 2011, Ron Conway even described the movement as a ?mega trend.?

What was the worst job you ever had, and what did you learn from it?

Selling office supplies to retail stores. I learned the meaning of growth from pure pain. I wore a suit in 100 degree weather, sold people items they barely needed and went into the trenches of quick rapport-building. I heard the word ?no? every half hour and had to barrel through it with wit, energy and freshly studied sales rhetoric. This was the most difficult and intense learning exercise I?ve ever experienced.

Looking back 10 years later, I still rely on the lessons learned and trials endured from my short tenure in ?hand-to-hand sales combat.? I was good at that job, too. Damn good.

If you were to start again, what would you do differently?

I?m assuming this question speaks to my entire entrepreneurial career. I would have continued my first business with my brother from age 11 (he was 16), a mowing service. My brother sold the business and partially paid for his undergraduate degree in cash, which is a testament to his hard work at a young age. Today, I?m convinced we would have controlled the majority of the market share in the southern U.S.

My brother also went on to graduate school and eventually became the #1 ranked online poker player in the world, winning Bluff Magazine?s 2008 Player of the Year, among other awards.

His success never surprises me. Our sister also shares our drive. She?s currently a Fox News legal commentator and a criminal defense lawyer in Miami. I enjoy seeing her battle Nancy Grace and other overzealous talking heads. It reminds me of arguing as kids with my brother and brings a smile of pride. The three of us have big plans for our respective careers are tightly bound in the effort.

As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

Inundate your mind with information. Read everything.

I used to discriminate against fiction and other seemingly non-applicable subjects to my business. Then I learned any new image, new thought or new perspective can generate ideas and spur creativity. In my cooperative, we have a library where I spend time reading through classic comedies. I stay up late reading tech news, world news and watching TED Talks. I drive with audio books and keep several books by my bed stands. I read on my iPhone, iPad and laptop. I?m an Internet enthusiast and expose myself to live and archived lectures whenever possible. I also live nearby my alma mater, The University of Texas, and audit open classes whenever possible.

I love data and encourage others to embrace it as well. Get to know how data can improve your life. Doing so is called ?life hacking.? This is when you leverage technology or data to better understand the systems around you so you can save time, save money and increase productivity. ?Life hacking,? can free up time to explore the arts and broaden your perspective.

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

I ran a training center with my brother in Vegas that taught Texas Hold ?Em. Our clients depended on online poker sites to provide them an avenue to use their training and increase their profits. We grossed roughly $250,000 in profit our first fiscal year and were set for more growth. Then, the U.S. Department of Justice shut down the American poker sites, essentially wiping out our client base. We had to shut the business down.

My next move was to take my story to academia and make the case to further my education. Several months later, I enrolled in a Masters program at NYU that focused on technology management and project management in entrepreneurship. I finished ranked #1 in my graduate class.

I made the decision after school to go right back into entrepreneurship and move to my favorite city, Austin. To the dismay of my loving parents, I turned down lucrative offers to stay in the northeast. While startups involve early pain, the long run bodes well for success.

What is one business idea that you?re willing to give away to our readers?

If you can write the software restrictions to data mine consumer public source data, aggregate this information and then enable information extraction based on menu selections, you could possibly predict market trends, consumer behavior and political sentiments.

Data on personal lives is more plentiful than ever before. I know of several companies attempting to aggregate this data for such analysis and extraction. If you can beat them to it, more power to you. Data does not lie, though there is variance, so I?m curious as to how accurate such interpretations will become.

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be and how would you go about it?

Plug everyone into the Internet and teach them computer literacy. I would eradicate Internet blackouts due to lack of equipment and nourishment. This would involve improving their physical, nutritional and educational environment, of course.

As an Internet enthusiast, it would ultimately serve to increase the Internet ecosystem. The more people who freely search for information, share ideas and build enterprise, the more innovation will be generated. This will benefit the world drastically. Measures to protect Internet freedom and civil liberties online are important as well. Doing so makes such a fantasy a bit more realistic.

Tell us a secret.

I founded a rock band in high school that went on to tour with Bon Jovi, the Goo Goo Dolls, two American Idol Winners, placed three songs on the top 40 Adult Contemporary Pop Charts and a top 10 single on the Texas Country Charts. They?re still rockin?. Check out: GreenRiverOrdinance.com

What are your three favorite online tools or resources, and what do you love about them?

1.? Wix.com ? I use them for nearly all of my Web design needs. This is a drag and drop system that enables quick and slick Web design. Their platform is intuitive and operates in HTML5, which is layered coding that?s compatible with nearly all systems, including mobile. They even offer social media apps and mobile landing pages. I?ve never had a server issue, loading issue or crashing issue. The support team is great, the features are outstanding and design quality is top notch. I?ve had professional coders look at my work using the Wix system and give a ?thumbs up.? That should be enough to compel startup engineers like me to utilize this system. For market testing and customer validating, launching a website is often critical. Wix offers a way to do that cheaply, efficiently and effectively. They have SEO tools built in place as well, which saves tons of coding expense.

2.? reddit ? This is my home base for the Internet. If you enjoy StumbleUpon or other inspirational and customized Internet layered sites, Reddit is the absolute best. The self-proclaimed title, ?Front page of the Internet,? has merit. Their user base of forum users (or karma seekers) is in the millions, and they are quick to post breaking news and provide extensive commentary. The information and chatter on the site is raw and totally user-driven. I?ve learned more from sub-reddits than any other news source available on the web.

3. ? TED ? As much as I enjoy reading, especially digitally, I?m a strong auditory learner. This is one reason why I?ll never leave academia. Lectures are exciting to me, and TED offers the best ideas in an outstanding format. Every day, I?m thankful TED offers their lectures online for free, because nearly every day I listen to a lecture and have a ?wow? moment.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

Your family?s memoir. If you don?t have one, begin writing one, to honor your family helps one live with purpose and consequence. When I think about my family surviving systematic murder and persevering amidst a worldly storm of anti-Semitism, I?m inspired and humbled. This attitude manifests into a strong work ethic, dedication to helping others and a vision for what I?m destined to become.

There?s a reason why I spent two years working for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. I sacrificed the early part of my young professionalism to begin paying a debt of gratitude. I have much more work to do, and it?ll be accomplished through philanthropy and community involvement.

Understanding our identity with insight into traditions, heritage and ancestral narratives provides a sense of self-worth and inspiration. Those who understand their history are visionaries into the future. They know where to honor good ethics and motivate others around them.

Leaders are often born, but most are nurtured. This is why family is critical in developing our abilities. Learning from their lessons, their stories and their triumphs is an empowering process. To build future success, we must understand our roots. Memoirs are good catalysts for this. If none exist, compile as many stories from the past as possible that are relevant to your family and do the good deed to build it.

Three people we should follow on Twitter and why?

1.? Gary Vaynerchuk ? One of the few bona fide entrepreneurs with serious cash under his belt who engages his entire reader base by responding directly.

2.? Guy Kawasaki ? I can?t help but get nostalgic about the first books that taught me the ?Art of the Start.?

3.? Mark Cuban ? There are few entrepreneurs who can afford to be wrong as often as Mark. He manages to stay profitable, amplified and happy. A worthwhile study.

When was the last time you laughed out loud? What caused it?

I belly laugh every day because I?m around so many interesting and dynamic people at my cooperative. This weekend brought a notable instance. I made a quick trip to the Wine and Music Festival in Kirville, Texas. One of the folk singers spent a few minutes quoting Texas Jewish writer and musician Kinky Friedman. Any quips written by that man usually have me belly laughing.

Who is your hero?

My great grandfather. The man was forced to fight in the Russo-Japanese War of 1905?he survived. He endured a pogrom in his hometown in Poland?again, he survived. He was forced to leave his village only to later read about Nazis killing his family?he persevered. He immigrated to the U.S. with almost no money?he aspired. He worked in the slaughter houses of ?Cowtown? (Ft. Worth, Texas) best described by Upton Sinclair?again, he persevered. He later opened a grocery store specializing in fine cut meats and catered to underrepresented community members of Ft. Worth, Texas?he prospered.

Today, my family operates Chicotsky?s Shopping Center, which is a direct descendent of my great grandfather?s hard work, perseverance and brilliance. In my family, there is a hero. His name is Morris J. Chicotsky.

You mentioned that you?re working on more than one project. What are the others?

I?m currently building several endeavors, all of which are cash-positive:

ReaderGhost.com ? Submit any reading material, and a reader ghost will provide you a 15-minute summary via video chat or phone.

WriterGhost.com ? Providing confidential writing services ranging from books to blogs. Authorship rights become all yours!

BaldLogo.com ? Purchase ad space on a bald head! Our bald promoters will pound the pavement and promote your brand.

GrowSmartMedia.com ? Offering social media management, Web design, animated video marketing, content writing and online brand management.

DrumsTraining.com ? Offering drums coaching, tutorials and lessons in the Austin area.

What do wish existed today that doesn?t?

I long to see projects like UpStart.com get out of beta stage and begin nurturing an active, committed community. Life enablers like UpStart could open up hundreds of hours a month that are typically dedicated to drudging through client services and part-time consulting.

UpStart aims to raise investment capital for ?life earners? rather than business earners. This means the investment goes toward the entrepreneur directly, whereby dividends are paid from personal earnings at a later date. Such an investment can enable entrepreneurs engaged in startups to invest 100% of their working hours into their endeavors.


Brandon Chicotsky on Twitter:? @chicotsky
Brandon Chicotsky?s Website:? Chicotsky.com (The best place to message him, ping him or connect online on any social platform.)

Source: http://ideamensch.com/brandon-chicotsky/

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